success |
failure |
Ingredience |
v1 |
v2 |
v3 |
slot |
where to buy |
v |
color |
spell |
color |
spell |
a bear's claw |
000010 |
000010 |
000010 |
b |
000001 |
shimmering orange |
detect alignment |
yellowish orange |
detect magic |
a bit of ice-covered grass |
000001 |
000001 |
000001 |
b |
000010 |
light gray |
curse |
pale red |
magic missile |
a bit of kelp |
000010 |
000010 |
000010 |
a |
000011 |
pale blue |
word of recall |
light blue |
teleport |
a blistered rock |
001000 |
001000 |
000100 |
pale green |
cure light wounds |
pale red |
cause light wounds |
a bunch of sage |
000100 |
000100 |
000100 |
b |
000101 |
misty gray |
blindness |
misty green |
cure blind |
a bunch of seaweed |
000010 |
000010 |
000010 |
b |
000110 |
misty white |
bless |
a bundle of valerin |
001000 |
001000 |
001000 |
c |
000111 |
reddish orange |
trap |
a dragon's scale |
010000 |
010000 |
c |
001000 |
pale white |
armor |
pale gray |
poison |
a few brambles |
000100 |
000100 |
000100 |
c |
001001 |
pale green |
cure light wounds |
pale red |
cause light wounds |
a goat's beard |
001000 |
001000 |
b |
001010 |
misty green |
cure blind |
a lizard's tail |
100000 |
b |
001011 |
dull gray |
slow |
a lump of coal |
000010 |
000010 |
a |
Kerofk, The Herbalist's Shoppe |
001100 |
pale orange |
poison |
a mossy twig |
000001 |
000001 |
b |
001101 |
bluish gray |
weaken |
a mouse's tail |
000010 |
000010 |
000010 |
c |
001110 |
light red |
critical |
a newt's eye |
000010 |
000010 |
000010 |
a |
Moonglow, Magic Shop |
001111 |
a pair of scorpion's pinchers |
100000 |
100000 |
c |
010000 |
bluish white |
fly |
greenish gray |
hold |
a palm tree's leaf |
010000 |
010000 |
010000 |
c |
010001 |
yellowish orange |
magic |
a penguin's beak |
010000 |
010000 |
010000 |
b |
010010 |
pale yellow |
poison |
a piece of driftwood |
100000 |
100000 |
100000 |
b |
010011 |
light yellow |
curse |
a piece of quartz |
000010 |
000010 |
b |
010100 |
glowing yellow |
sanctuary |
pulsating gray |
wither strike |
a pile of snow |
000100 |
000100 |
000100 |
b |
010101 |
greenish gray |
hold |
a raw diamond |
000010 |
000010 |
c |
010110 |
pale orange |
poison |
a sand dollar |
100000 |
100000 |
c |
010111 |
bluish red |
good |
a seal's ear |
010000 |
010000 |
010000 |
c |
011000 |
glowing green |
heal |
a seashell |
100000 |
100000 |
a |
011001 |
glowing green |
heal |
a shark's fin |
000001 |
000001 |
000001 |
c |
011010 |
pulsating yellow |
youth |
a small cactus |
010000 |
010000 |
a |
011011 |
pulsating gray |
strike |
a snow-covered rock |
000100 |
000100 |
000100 |
c |
011100 |
a spider's leg |
100000 |
100000 |
100000 |
a |
Vale of Aldur |
011101 |
a tentacle of an octopus |
000001 |
000001 |
000001 |
b |
011110 |
a toadstool |
001000 |
001000 |
001000 |
a |
Midgaard, The Magic Shop |
011111 |
a withered twig |
001000 |
001000 |
b |
100000 |
misty orange |
detect invisibility |
yellowish orange |
detect magic |
a wolf's fang |
010000 |
010000 |
010000 |
a |
100001 |
dark gray |
sleep |
an eagle's feather |
001000 |
001000 |
001000 |
a |
Kerofk, The Herbalist's Shoppe |
Moonglow, Magic Shop |
100010 |
light green |
cure light wounds |
pale red |
cause light wounds |
an icicle |
000100 |
000100 |
000100 |
a |
100011 |
light green |
critical wounds |
bark of a tree |
000001 |
000001 |
000001 |
a |
Moonglow, Magic Shop |
100100 |
sparkling yellow |
magic |
pale gray |
poison |
some algae |
000010 |
000010 |
000010 |
c |
100101 |
glowing white |
sanctuary |
light red |
serious wounds |
some black sand |
001000 |
001000 |
001000 |
a |
Midgaard, The Magic Shop |
100110 |
red |
harm |
some elderberries |
001000 |
001000 |
001000 |
b |
100111 |
some fishbones |
000001 |
000001 |
000001 |
a |
Vale of Aldur |
101000 |
light red |
cause serious wounds |
some frosty leaves |
000001 |
000001 |
000001 |
c |
101001 |
rich blue |
strength |
some frozen lichens |
000001 |
000001 |
000001 |
a |
Kerofk, The Herbalist's Shoppe |
101010 |
bluish white |
fly |
some nettles |
000001 |
000001 |
000001 |
c |
101011 |
sparkling green |
restore |
some pine cones |
000100 |
000100 |
a |
Vale of Aldur |
101100 |
some tumbleweed |
010000 |
010000 |
b |
101101 |
101110 |
checked towns |
101111 |
Alisia |
110000 |
light blue |
teleport |
Desert Castle |
110001 |
sparkling blue |
aid |
Fanhir |
110010 |
Grassy Land |
110011 |
Innsmouth |
110100 |
Kerofk |
110101 |
Midgaard |
110110 |
Vale of Aldur |
110111 |
Downtown |
111000 |
Ofcol |
111001 |
111010 |
111011 |
111100 |
111101 |
111110 |
111111 |